Sunday, 25 December 2016

The Holy Trinity

From the Ecumenical Chapter of Our Fair Lady Britannia.
Hail Britannia's Army!
Our first edition from the Chapter is dedicated to the Holy Trinity as presented in the Book of Genesis, very first chapter, verse 26.
Genesis, 1:26
And God said: let us create man in our likeness, in our resemblance.
God, when deciding to create Man, spoke in the first person plural, as we can see from the Hebrew script in the Old Testament (Hebrew is written and read from right to left):
נַעֲשֶׂ ה: is a verb in the future tense translating: we shall make;
אָ דָ ם: a noun meaning Man;
בְּ צַ לְ מֵ נו: in is a preposition expressed with B (בְּ) followed by likeness-of-us, which is expressed as one word, including the initial בְּ (in);
כִּ דְ מוּתֵ נו: as is a preposition expressed with K (כִּ) followed by resemblance-of-us, expressed as one word, including the initial כִּ (as).
We shall make man in likeness of us, as resemblance of us.
As we can see, the Hebrew text uses the first person plural to describe the divine act of Creation, as God the Father was not alone in carrying out the Creation of Adam, the first human being.
Our Faith is Trinitarian, and our British Mother In High, Britannia, is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity.
Jesus the Son is the Second Person.
The Father is the First Person.
The Maternal Spirit does not come to the Folk as foreign, but in the resemblance of the Folk, and speaking in their own language.
God created Man in His own resemblance. He was not alone in this.

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