The Knights Templar
The Order of the Knights Templar was founded in the decades following the conquest of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, which came about in Anno Domini 1099.
This conquest enabled the foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and it was on the Temple Mount that the Knights Templar had their headquarters, with the mission to protect pilgrims visiting the sanctuaries they considered holy.
The Templars believed that the Temple of King Solomon had been situated there, beneath the Al Aqsa mosque.
However, they soon came to realise that God had not preserved this temple, and so they began establishing estates throughout England and Europe, and these were collectively known as the Temple.
Property and estates belonging to the Templars included churches, fortifications, farms and workshops.
Letters of Credit
The Knights Templar also established the use of letters of credit, which enabled pilgrims to deposit money or other value within the Temple in their area and use the letter they received to retrieve a corresponding value of money from the Temple in the area to which they had made their pilgrimage.
This practice made it possible for people to avoid taking all their money with them on the long journey and thus made them less vulnerable to attack.
This same practice was later to be used in trade by merchants travelling long distances from one town to another: once they had sold their merchandise, they could receive a letter of credit that could be cashed in on their return home.
This was essentially the beginning of modern banking.
The Templars and the English Monarchy
It was within a round church of the Knights Templar in Dover that King John handed over the English Crown to the Pope's envoy and received it back from him as a papal fiefdom.
King John bound all his successors to adhere to this contract of papal fiefdom.
Henry VIII broke this contract when he rebelled against papal authority and, technically, he lost his right to the English Throne.
We owe to the Knights Templar their recognising of the fact that the Temple of Solomon no longer existed in Jerusalem, and the subsequent establishment of The Temple wherever they set up their estates.
Technically, the Knights Templar established the principle that the Holy Land is wherever we decide to dedicate our efforts to economic prosperity, and NOT in the land of Palestine on the former Temple Mount, where NO temple of Solomon exists.
We also owe to the Knights Templar the technical nullity of Henry VIII's claim to the English Throne once he had broken with the Pope.
England: Deus Lo Vult!
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