Sunday, 25 December 2016

The Holy Trinity

From the Ecumenical Chapter of Our Fair Lady Britannia.
Hail Britannia's Army!
Our first edition from the Chapter is dedicated to the Holy Trinity as presented in the Book of Genesis, very first chapter, verse 26.
Genesis, 1:26
And God said: let us create man in our likeness, in our resemblance.
God, when deciding to create Man, spoke in the first person plural, as we can see from the Hebrew script in the Old Testament (Hebrew is written and read from right to left):
נַעֲשֶׂ ה: is a verb in the future tense translating: we shall make;
אָ דָ ם: a noun meaning Man;
בְּ צַ לְ מֵ נו: in is a preposition expressed with B (בְּ) followed by likeness-of-us, which is expressed as one word, including the initial בְּ (in);
כִּ דְ מוּתֵ נו: as is a preposition expressed with K (כִּ) followed by resemblance-of-us, expressed as one word, including the initial כִּ (as).
We shall make man in likeness of us, as resemblance of us.
As we can see, the Hebrew text uses the first person plural to describe the divine act of Creation, as God the Father was not alone in carrying out the Creation of Adam, the first human being.
Our Faith is Trinitarian, and our British Mother In High, Britannia, is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity.
Jesus the Son is the Second Person.
The Father is the First Person.
The Maternal Spirit does not come to the Folk as foreign, but in the resemblance of the Folk, and speaking in their own language.
God created Man in His own resemblance. He was not alone in this.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

The King of England

King John
In May 1213, King John surrendered the Crown of England to the Pope in the presence of the papal envoy Pandulph. The Pope, Innocent III - and later each of his successors after him - became the suzerain of England and of all possessions under the English Crown.
How do we know that this actually happened and is not a myth?
Because it was well documented in official acts, and in 1365, Parliament officially debated the surrender of the English Realm by King John to the Pope, some 152 years after the event took place.
So, as we can see, there are official State documents proving that the surrender of the English Crown did happen.
In June 1215, King John was forced into signing the Magna Carta, and this was in breach of papal authority over England.
Two months later, in August 1215, Pope Innocent III annulled the Magna Carta.
Binding Legacy
King John's successors were bound into upholding the obligations deriving from the surrender of the English Crown to papal supremacy:
" we bind ourselves and our successors not to act counter to them. And if we or any one of our successors shall presume to attempt this, whoever he be, unless being duly warned he come to his kingdom, and his senses, he shall lose his right to the kingdom, and this charter of our obligation and concession shall always remain firm."
Henry VIII is a descendant of King John, and Elizabeth Windsor is a direct descendant of King John.
And so Henry VIII lost his right to the English Throne when he rebelled against papal sovereignty and sought to replace this with his own sovereignty.
Sovereign English Crown
In order for the English Crown to be sovereign, papal authority would need to be exposed as spiritually null and void, and Jesus Son of God would need to be proclaimed as sole Head of the English Church.
These two requirements would imply:
1) the end of the line of popes,
2) the end of the current Establishment.
Under English Law, as Head of the English Church, Jesus Son of God would also be King of England.
There are three places that have been mentioned as the site where the act of submission of the English Realm in May 1213 happened:
1) Dover Castle.
2) Temple Ewell, a parish in Dover District and whose name derives from the Knights Templar.
3) A round church of the Knights Templar on Western Heights, Dover, whose foundations were discovered towards the end of the 18th century and can be seen today.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Deus Lo Vult

The Knights Templar
The Order of the Knights Templar was founded in the decades following the conquest of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, which came about in Anno Domini 1099.
This conquest enabled the foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and it was on the Temple Mount that the Knights Templar had their headquarters, with the mission to protect pilgrims visiting the sanctuaries they considered holy.
The Templars believed that the Temple of King Solomon had been situated there, beneath the Al Aqsa mosque.
However, they soon came to realise that God had not preserved this temple, and so they began establishing estates throughout England and Europe, and these were collectively known as the Temple.
Property and estates belonging to the Templars included churches, fortifications, farms and workshops.
Letters of Credit
The Knights Templar also established the use of letters of credit, which enabled pilgrims to deposit money or other value within the Temple in their area and use the letter they received to retrieve a corresponding value of money from the Temple in the area to which they had made their pilgrimage.
This practice made it possible for people to avoid taking all their money with them on the long journey and thus made them less vulnerable to attack.
This same practice was later to be used in trade by merchants travelling long distances from one town to another: once they had sold their merchandise, they could receive a letter of credit that could be cashed in on their return home.
This was essentially the beginning of modern banking.
The Templars and the English Monarchy
It was within a round church of the Knights Templar in Dover that King John handed over the English Crown to the Pope's envoy and received it back from him as a papal fiefdom.
King John bound all his successors to adhere to this contract of papal fiefdom.
Henry VIII broke this contract when he rebelled against papal authority and, technically, he lost his right to the English Throne.
We owe to the Knights Templar their recognising of the fact that the Temple of Solomon no longer existed in Jerusalem, and the subsequent establishment of The Temple wherever they set up their estates.
Technically, the Knights Templar established the principle that the Holy Land is wherever we decide to dedicate our efforts to economic prosperity, and NOT in the land of Palestine on the former Temple Mount, where NO temple of Solomon exists.
We also owe to the Knights Templar the technical nullity of Henry VIII's claim to the English Throne once he had broken with the Pope.
England: Deus Lo Vult!

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

What Is True Socialism?

Original Socialism
In its origins, Socialism was a movement among workers in factories and in mines that started in the nineteenth century during the Industrial Revolution. 
People wished to work acceptable shifts, not 14 hours a day, six days a week. They wished to have an income that would be sufficient to live decently on. They sought to have a guarantee for work-related accidents and for lost employment due to sickness.
The unions managed to gradually bring about many of the original aims of Socialism and people were able to work acceptable shifts that enabled them to look after their family and even purchase a house.
The End of Social Values
Socialist values have been swept away under the European Union, starting with the Common Market.
In the 1970s, the UK government introduced a policy of encouraging factories in Britain to close down and to take up production in the Far East of Asia, to then import the products to Britain at fractional prices.
Starting around 2004, Britain's doors were opened to a mass invasion of eastern European workers who would work for the minimum UK wage and earn around five times more than they would in their own country for the same work, once the value of their wages in pound sterling was calculated in their home currency.
In exchange for this advantage, they were mass recruited in eastern Europe by work agencies on zero-hour contracts.
This meant that they could be laid off at any given moment without explanation, and they would in any case be paid only for the hours they worked. There would be no sickness payments, no holiday pay, no right to union membership.
As a result, even if a worker from eastern Europe managed to hold out for two or three months in England doing shifts in factories or on farms before being laid off, they'd have earned the same as they would have in their own country in a whole year - or even longer.
The Work Agency System Continues
Around the start of the year 2014, Romania and Bulgaria were added to the list of eastern European countries that could flood Britain with masses of workers.
In Romania and Bulgaria, a house for sale in good condition and with adjacent land starts at less than £2,000, and the average minimum wage (although not legally defined in these two countries contrary to Britain) is around 150 to 170 euro a month, which is the equivalent to about 120 to 135 pound sterling.
So now we have a mass influx of mostly Romanians coming to England, competing with the Poles and Lithuanians and Latvians.
And so the cycle goes on.
National Socialism
It is clear to see that true Socialism is National Socialism, because it goes back to the original ideals of the social contract, which is that work should be available for the local population in any given area at a decent wage and with a guarantee to holiday money and to payment in case of sickness and work-related accidents.
The idea that a population in a country should have the work denied and simply sit around while people from other countries flock over and get the jobs owing to their superior motivation - because they are earning many times more than in their own country - is as far away from Socialism as the devil is from truth.
Social ideals only ever have a sense when the Folk is sovereign in its own land. Once this essential right is taken away, the greedy and lazy elites will have a field day destroying a nation and replacing it with highly motivated cheap labourers.
All for their own greedy financial gain.
Does anyone remember the Labour Party election-campaign lie:
"British jobs for British people"?
Well the greedy elites who dictate the Agenda from behind closed doors went laughing all the way to the bank!

Monday, 19 December 2016

Fifty Billion Euro to Throw Away

EU Demands of Britain 50 Billion Euro

EU commissars have just announced that in order to leave the EU, Britain must hand over 50 billion euro to the European Union.

The UK government (England has no parliament) has not said anything to the contrary, and so we may assume that a country with 1.7 trillion pounds of public debt and 1.3 trillion pounds in public pension liabilities will be forced to find 50 billion euro to leave an organization that no British person ever voted to join.

The fact is, we do not have 50 billion euro to hand over, on top of the 58 million pounds that every day is still being handed over to the EU even after the June 2016 Brexit referendum.

In theory, we should have stopped paying 58 million pounds a day to the EU the day after the referendum, when the majority voted to leave.
Instead, we are still paying this sum, and now are being told we have to hand over a lump sum of 50 billion euro too.

Who among us has this money to throw away?
I haven't!

Oh the days when the White Cliffs of Dover were considered the pride and joy of England, a natural defence against foreign invasion!


Saturday, 17 December 2016

True Democracy

What Is Democracy?
Democracy is the will of the Folk within an administrative boundary.
The boundaries for democracy can be local and national.
In a truly democratic state, the Folk partakes in defining its own present and its own future.
Democracy is meant to be from the Folk for the Folk.
It is not meant to be overruled by elites dictating their agenda from behind closed doors.
The democratic right is not meant to be subdued to the bullying whips of commissars whose function is to impose the will of their masters.
Democracy is expressed through freedom of speech and respect for the right of other people to express their views. It is not meant for abuse, intimidation and bullying.
The objective of a democratic order is to uphold the right of the individual within a society and the right of many individuals within the same society, for the greater good of the community.
The deconstruction of democracy starts with undoing a person's will to partake in society, and it ends with the alienation of many and with distrust in the ruling elites.
Not Democracy but Tyranny
Currently, Britain is ruled by a foreign parliament based in Brussels and by an elite that is sacrificing our interests to the demands of this foreign parliament. 
Being ruled from Brussels means continuous mass immigration to Britain and continuous payment of crippling tributes to foreign countries members of the European Union.
It also means that the will of the Folk has been ignored and replaced with the will of those who wish to submit our Nation to foreign parliament. 
Not our interests, but those of the ruling tyranny are being furthered.

How can we have national democracy when a parliament in Brussels - representing 28 countries - is legislating according to whatever is placed before it by the European Commission?
How can we have democracy when millions of jobs in Britain are being held away from British people and given to eastern Europeans only?
How can we have democracy when the Establishment excludes anyone who meaningfully challenges its established order?


Friday, 16 December 2016

Mount Zion Is British


The Fulfilment of Zion
When Jesus died on the Cross, at that very moment the curtain in front of the Altar in the second Temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
The second Temple in Jerusalem had fulfilled its purpose, albeit in an ignominious way.
Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day and appeared to his followers, and after about forty days he ascended to the Father in Heaven.
The Son of God established the Heavenly Temple and the Heavenly Altar, and he guided the Christian Faith to the shores of Britain.
The Son of God was in Heaven before Adam walked the Garden of Eden. Having preached the Realm of God, he chose to establish the earthly Mount Zion in Britain, under the protection and blessing of the eternal Altar within Heavenly Zion.

The Saxons

The Saxons in England
One part of the Saxon tribe moved from northern Germany to Britain in the fifth century AD.
These Saxons created kingdoms in the south of Britain, namely: 
Essex (East Saxons), in old English Ēastseaxna Rīce, 
Sussex (South Saxons), in old English Sūþseaxna Rīce, 
and Wessex (West Saxons), in old English Westseaxna Rīce.
The Saxons in Germany
The other half of the Saxons remained settled in Germany and expanded from northern Germany all the way to Bohemia in the south east.
The three German regions named after the Saxons are:
Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), in northern Germany,
Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony Anhalt), in central Germany,
and Sachsen (Saxony), in the south east of the country.
The following is a cavalry march from Saxony going back to the 19th century. 
Parademarsch Der 18. Husaren.
Anglia Of England

The Jutes and the White Horse Invicta


The Jutes Arrive in Britain
During the fifth century, the Britons invited an army of Jutes over to Britain to help defend against the Picts and the Scots. 
These Jutish warriors were led by the brothers Hengist and Horsa.
Within time, the Jutes brought their families over from Jutland, and they settled in Kent among the native Britons.
With them came the White Horse of Kent, known as the Invicta. This horse is rampant, standing on its hind legs with its front legs in a challenging pose.
The Jutes are said to have also settled in North Rhine-Westphalia, as the emblem of this region of Germany also has a rampant white horse, sibling of the Kentish Invicta.
The name Hengist most likely comes from the German word Hengst, meaning stallion.
And the name Horsa is from the old German word Hors, meaning horse. 
As we can see, our Kentish White Horse Invicta is characteristic of the Jutes who settled in Kent.
Kent Invicta
The name Invicta is said to have been given to Kent in 1066, after the Battle of Hastings, as William of Normandy, on advancing from Sussex into Kent, came to an agreement with the elders of Kent and promised to honour the Kentish laws, including the law on gavelkind, which assured that land ownership would pass from the parents to all the male heirs equally.
Whatever event led to William the Conqueror acknowledging the motto Invicta for Kent, it was proof that he did not conquer Kent.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Angela and the English Church


The English Church
Angela, my sister, researched the history of the Church among the English Folk.
She found that King Ethelbert of Kent, who reigned in the second half of the sixth century AD, converted to the Christian Faith of his wife, Queen Bertha.
Queen Bertha had come to Kent as a Merovingian princess from the tribe of the Franks and had married the pagan Ethelbert, prince and heir to the Kentish throne.
King Ethelbert later established within his capital, Canterbury, a church dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours. This is the first church to serve among the English Folk. It was established before the arrival of Augustine to Kent's shores.
Clearly, the English Church was conceived within the Spirit around 1,000 years before Henry VIII, and Canterbury's ecclesial history is proof of this.
Jesus the High Priest
Jesus is the High Priest of the English Church and he is its founder, not Henry VIII. From Heavenly Mount Zion, the Son of God guided the Gospel to the English Folk and thus our Church was founded.
Under English Law, the head of the Church in England is also the Monarch. As Jesus Son of God is the High Priest of our English Church, he is also our Monarch.
Even the UK Establishment cannot change King Cnut's essential law:
the tide cannot be turned.
Thus spoke the Folk unto the Monarch:
"as thou art the Head of our Church, lower not thine head nor remove thy face from our presence".
At this moment, a dispute arose betwixt Jesus God's Son and Henry's descendant.
From: The Great Controversy, the Folk and its King, Britannia Edition