Wednesday 23 December 2015

Austerity for the Many

The Spiral Nose Dive
For reasons that would appear incomprehensible for anyone a hundred years ago, or indeed one thousand years ago, very fertile countries in the West are gradually introducing a regime of austerity whereby most people are getting poorer all the time.

In the past, large families with many children would make it, whereas today, much smaller families are experiencing constant financial stress, often plagued by debt. Austerity has set in notwithstanding the high level of technology that has enabled farming and manufacturing to produce enormous surpluses of products.
In Britain, the minimum hourly wage has passed from around £5.93 to £6.49 in five years. In this same period of time, house prices have increased by around 40%, even though workers' wages on building sites have gone up by only a few percentage points.

But Not Bankers Bonuses
By contrast, the top salaries of chief executives of large share companies, including City bankers, have been constantly increased, way beyond the inflation rate. And the absurd annual bonuses that are many times higher than their top salaries have continued to be splashed out in spite of initial public uproar.
Indeed, the public doesn't seem to mention bankers' bonuses anymore, as the Establishment, after making a few fiery speeches, simply allowed this insane "bonus" institution to continue.
And so it goes on.
Likewise, we still read of tycoons buying up London's top-class residential estate, and we still read how the very privileged and rich are adding more and more to their private assets.
For some people, amassing wealth in times of great financial austerity doesn't seem a problem.

Reasons for Austerity
One of the major reasons for state bankruptcy is the building up of a public debt. When the State cuts public spending all the time, as in Britain, this is because the national debt has spiralled out of control. However, even with all the cuts in public spending introduced over the past five years in Britain, the public debt has doubled over the same period, from 750 billion pounds to over 1.5 trillion pounds.
As we can see, the national debt has doubled even with public spending being drastically cut year on year.
Clearly, there is nothing the Treasury can do to pull out of the debt spiral, short of introducing a drastic change to the whole economic system. The only one thing the Treasury has managed to do to keep the current system up and running, is to print 375 billion pounds in digital money, called Quantitative Easing. Known as QE, it was introduced in 2009 following the financial crash of the previous year.
This fictional money is not printed on paper, as otherwise the pound sterling would have fallen by possibly 90% or more. Its only real purpose is to prolong the system, to allow chief executives to continue individually adding millions of pounds of bonuses to their accounts every year and to make sure that the rich continue getting wealthier.
QE money printing certainly hasn't prevented austerity for the many, nor has it prevented the public debt from more than doubling since 2009.

National Socialist Prosperity
Britain's national wealth is not calculated in assets, but in debt, and as such it is not a wealth. The actual wealth is privately owned.
Once National Socialist ideals prevail in Britain, our currency shall be supported by national assets.
The work of the individual shall be fairly paid, the Folk shall be relieved of the national debt burden, and unsecured private debts of people in poverty shall be revoked whenever these cannot be paid back.
The idea that one person can earn one hundred times more than another person will simply become history, it will no longer be allowed. Our Land is limited, our wealth is limited, our resources are limited.
It is time for the Establishment in Britain to pack up and go. Their time is up. We do not require their unjust retribution.
We will become a free people in a Sovereign Land where work is available for us and not for everyone parachuted in from Eastern Europe, and where aid for the poor is given first and foremost to the British people who are in need of it.

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