Friday 27 November 2015

The Beauty of England in National Socialist Ideals

Preserving Our Land
Our English Folk needs a green and pleasant Country rich in woods, meadows, hills, valleys and cultivated farms.
In order that we may enjoy a wonderful landscape and partake in nature's beauty, we must not hand over our Country to mass immigration.
Our Land is limited, it is finite, it cannot be sacrificed to never-ending housing estates designed to accommodate London's overspills and endless waves of immigrants.
Considering that the majority of London's inhabitants are not of English origin, we can see that England's capital city is subject to constant immigration from abroad and at the same time to constant migration of people from London to the Shires.
We need to put the interests of the English People first. Our woods and farms and green-belt areas should not be sacrificed to mass immigration. The population density in England is higher than in the countries where immigrants come from, so even from the perspective of those who believe that the world is a tiny global village, it is still insane to sacrifice our Country to being swamped with endless streams of immigrants.

Localism Bill Changed in Favour of Developers 
The so called "government" of the UK does not care for our interests, nor for the maintaining of our Country as a geographical entity, but rather for the interests of developers who make large sums of money from buying land and concreting it over.
We have no democratic function that can prevent this. The Localism Bill that would have allowed communities to hold binding referendums on important local issues, which would include defending green-belt, woods and farms from urbanisation, was largely scrapped in 2011, contrary to the promises that the government had made at the time of the 2010 general election.

Embracing Sovereignty 
The basic rule of National Socialism is the right of the Folk to live in its own Land free of oppression.
We are still in time to embrace English Sovereignty over our own Country before we are made into a minority and before our countryside is handed over to the developers.
In fact, we are still the majority.
We can embrace the ideals of English National Socialism.

1 comment:

  1. It's the Anglian Cross.
    The original was crafted around 1,400 years ago, century more century less. It is from the Angles, who gave the name to England and the English.

    The society of our English forefathers was clearly nationalist, as our history shows. And it was socially defined according to codes of law which allowed the people to live freely on the Land in an organised style.

    Cultivating the land was taken for granted, it was done by our own forebears and included the thanksgivings to the Divinity.
    This was continued with the Christian Faith.

    It is worthy of note that our days of the week are the same as of old, hence Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday are all from our English ancestors.

    So this Anglian Cross is from our ancestral heritage and is authentic as being English.
