Saturday 28 November 2015

England's Shire Army

The Island Nation
As an Island Nation, Britain needs an Island Army, which would include English regiments along with those of the other Constituent Countries. The defence of our Shores and our Shires is an obligation that the State must guarantee.
We do not need to have an interventionist army that is sent by the Establishment around the world imposing some obscure will on other countries. Our soldiers should not be sacrificed for the agenda of those who dictate policies from behind the scenes.
The Chilcot Inquiry, as we know, has been covered up for years, precisely to prevent the details coming to light that the Establishment does not want us to know about how and why the Iraq war was fought.
We need to have full sovereign control over our own armed forces. Currently, however, this is not the case. As a member of NATO, Britain could be drawn into war automatically, simply because another NATO country enters into conflict.
NATO rules dictate that if one NATO country is attacked (regardless whether it may have provoked the attack), all other NATO members must by default gang up on the side of that country.
Yes, this could even mean waking up one morning to find that we are at war simply because a general stationed thousands of miles away decided to shoot down a warplane and then got shot at in return, and then decided to mobilise all NATO in response.
It could even be a world war!
Do we want this? Of-course we do not.
A basic tenet of National Socialism is "this is our Land, that is their land".
So we do not want to get sucked into a war in another land that could ultimately bring to ruination our own People in our Land.


  1. Hello Anglia,

    I see you comment on Morgoth's quite a bit, so thought I'd drop in here. Where about in England are you from?

    I'm trying to network with people in person rather than online, something I and the majority of other people thought was necessary from the beginning. This has become even more evident in light of the new shutdowns and shadow banning that are happening on social media platforms. I think we'll eventually see our information taken from the internet and basically become non-entities, so this is crucial.

    I'm in contact with 4 or 5 nationalists in person, and networking to create more lines of contact is a way forward. Obviously I don't want you to be specific about your location, but a county or area will let me know if you're near enough that we could possibly make a link.



  2. Good to hear from you, Mosley.
