Friday 16 September 2016

Jesus King of the English

The Gospel Came to England
When the Teutonic tribes settled among the Britons, their society was based on tribal origins. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes formed kingdoms in the areas of Britain where they had settled, one of these being Englaland, the land of the Angles of East Anglia. This name eventually came to define all the land that we now know as England.
Similarly, the name of the language spoken by the Angles, Englisc, was eventually used to describe the language spoken by all the Teutonic tribes that had settled in Britain.
Within time, the Church was conceived in the Spirit among the English Folk, at first in the Kingdom of Kent in the latter part of the sixth century, and again in the Kingdom of Northumbria in the first half of the seventh century.
It was a Merovingian princess, Bertha, wife of prince Ethelbert of Kent, who first brought the Gospel to the English Folk. Bertha came from the land of the Franks where her father, Charibert, ruled as king in Paris.
Ethelbert later succeeded his father, Eormenric, and became King of Kent. He converted to the Faith of his wife Queen Bertha and within his capital, Canterbury, he established the first place of worship to serve as a church among the English. Dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours, The building had formerly been used as a church by the Celtic Britons.
The English Church in Kent is the result of a royal marriage through which the Pagan king received the Word of the Gospel through his Christian wife.
English History May Not Be Rewritten
The history of Canterbury as the Seat of the Church in England starts with King Ethelbert and Queen Bertha of Kent, and it is testimony that the English Church of the South was conceived in the Name of the Son of God in the sixth century.
The history of York as another important Seat of the Church in England is evidence that the English Church of the North was founded in the Spirit in the seventh century, in the Kingdom of Northumbria. This came around when King Oswald of Northumbria invited Scottish and Irish missionaries from the Celtic monastic island of Iona into his kingdom.
The spiritual Conception of the English Church in Kent and in Northumbria came about through our Divine King the Son of God.
The coming One Thousand Year Reign of Christ over England assures us that we English are the Chosen Folk and that England is our Promised Land.
Our English Church is of Celtic and Teutonic origins, and it may never be replaced unless England's history were to be cancelled.
But then, what would they replace our history with?
What would they give unto our Folk in place of the One Faith?
And who would they call "our leader"?
Our only hope is in the coming Reign of Christ, King of the English.
One English Church
The Son of God was in Heaven before Adam was on Earth, therefore no nation or organisation can claim to have given origin to Christ. He does not present himself as foreign to the English Folk and so we are not obliged to surrender our Chosen status to another nation or to any kind of organisation.
Our English Church being spiritual, its doctrine is the Holy Scriptures, and as a spiritual place of communion it cannot be possessed by human authority or infiltrated by alien teachings.
No-one can claim possession over the Soul of our English Nation, therefore no human authority and no foreign nation can be placed between the English Folk and the High City.
The Third Person of the Holy Trinity is our Spiritual Mother who resides among the British Folk.