Sunday, 14 August 2016

Secret Elites Undermining Homogeneous Society

UN Working to Destroy Ethnicity
In June 2012, the BBC announced that the United Nation's special representative for migration, Peter Sutherland, had stated that the European Union should "do its best to undermine the homogeneity" of its member states.
In fact, in reference to each individual country that is coerced into being subject to the European Union, Peter Sutherland stated that the people "still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others, and that's precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine".
The BBC article went on to explain that Peter Sutherland attended meetings of the Bilderberg Group, describing this subversive circle as "a top level international networking organisation often criticised for its alleged secrecy".
According to Wikipedia, "Sutherland strongly advocates liberal immigration policies and mass unrestricted immigration into the European Union".
Wikipedia also notes that "he is silent on the immigration policies of other regions". The reason for this is not surprising, as many countries in the world have no policy at all in favour of mass immigration but actively prevent it in order to preserve their social identity.
And Wikipedia confirms the existence of an active policy to undermine society in Britain and Europe, noting that according to Sutherland: "the European Union should be doing its best to undermine any sense of our homogeneity and difference from others".

National Socialist Folk and Homeland
National Socialism is the only ideology that upholds the inherent right of the people to their own homland.
Transparency within a National Socialist country cannot allow for subversive elites to secretly scheme and plot and undermine society.
Enacting legislation from dark corners - such as the Bilderberg Group - and outside of a democratic mandate is inevitably the stab in the back which brings ruination upon a homogeneous society.
The folk is lied to, deceived, and made to pay for its own demise in order to be substituted by a new race. And as people would not vote for this, the agenda is imposed against our will.
This is one of the reasons why Brexit is being kicked down the road and Britain's borders are still wide open to mass immigration, with the prospect of nothing changing until a new referendum is held in several years time with a majority remain vote once the demographics have changed even more to the disadvantage of the indigenous folk.
An English Parliament
We need an English Parliament that will assure England's Sovereignty and forever free us from the power of the secretive elites who plot and scheme for our demise.
We do not have to pay one penny to the European Union and we do not have to keep our borders forced open to unwanted immigration.
And we do not need race quotas enforced on us in our own Country discriminating against the English on account of the colour of our skin. We do not have to tolerate the UK Race Laws that enable people to make us feel guilty for being English and exclude us from the right to work in our own homeland.
We have the God-given right to our own English parliament and one of its first acts should be to abolish the Race Laws that are being used to discriminate against indigenous English people because of the colour of our skin.
Otherwise, with each passing year, the Race Quotas will be changed in order to reduce the percentage of work places that can be given to ethnically English people, until one day we become a minority while having paid for it through taxes, public debt and unemployment.
The majority of English people voted to leave the EU in June 2016, but this democratic vote has been to all effect wiped off the table. In fact, nothing is happening to implement our democratic will.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Race Is Enshrined in English Law

Race Relations Act
In 1965, legislation was introduced to define relations between different races in the United Kingdom. The Race Relations Act was updated in 1968, and again in 1976, and once more in the year 2000 with the Race Relations Amendment Act 2000.
The Race Relations laws have since been incorporated in the Equality Act 2010.
As around 98% of immigration to Britain is centred in England, the Race Laws mostly affect England.
Before the advent of the Race Laws, people in England did not know that the colour of our skin would become relevant in legislation. We never had an issue owing to the colour of our skin. We needed no legislation that placed the spotlight on our skin's colour.
"Male, Pale and Stale"
A former member of the Black Police Association described the MET (Metropolitan Police of Greater London) as coming across as "male, pale and stale".
And Sadiq Khan, shortly before becoming Mayor of London, announced he was prepared to campaign for a change in the law to reduce the number of ethnically English people who can join the local Police Force in London.
In an article dated 24 July 2015, the Independent states that Sadiq Khan will call for affirmative action to change the status of the London Police Force, even to the point of calling for legislation "introducing quotas to alter the RACIAL balance of the force".
As we can see, England is particularly affected by the Race Laws, much more than any of the other constituent countries of the Union, and the implications of these laws are stacked against the indigenous folk.
So long as these Race Laws exist in England, the introduction of law-enforced race quotas is always going to be among us and it will always be in a polemical manner. The indigenous people are going to be confronted year on year with an ever dwindling percentage of Race Quota work opportunities, and we will each and every time be made to feel guilty about it.
Article from the Independent 24 July 2015:

Saturday, 6 August 2016

English Ethnic Identity

The English are Anglo-Celtic. The name Anglo is from the Angles who gave their name to England and refers more generally to the Saxons and the Jutes too.
The name Celtic is from the Celts that inhabited Britain at the time of the arrival of these three Teutonic tribes and who in many areas integrated with them.
In Britain, people are at times asked to state their ethnic or racial identity when filling in forms. On these forms, the ethnic term English is often substituted with the more racially sounding option White British.
The latter refers to a wider racial definition, as in belonging to the British Race, whereas the former denotes the specifically English ethnicity that is part of this race.
Whereas the census in England gives the option to describe oneself as ethnically English, forms from other offices tend to offer the term White British. On some forms there is the option to describe oneself only as White, referring to a much broader racial definition that goes beyond being ethnically British.
As we have seen, the official wording used in the identification of the indigenous population living in England makes reference to both race and ethnicity. Some people prefer to identify along racial lines, others along ethnic lines, but there is a grey area between the two.
The major ethnic difference between the English and the other indigenous populations of the British Isles is that these latter are more generally of Celtic stock. Even then, in England there are some areas where the local population has almost entirely Celtic roots, as in Cornwall.
Race and Ethnicity
The term race can have a specifically tribal connotation, such as belonging to the Angles, Saxons, Jutes or other Teutonic tribes, or to one or more Celtic groups.
In this sense, the term Anglo-Celtic is the correct definition for the English, considering that the word Anglo indicates the various Teutonic tribes that moved to parts of Britain and settled among the Celts, or at least among those Celts who remained in what later became England.
Genetic identification through tribal origin gives the closest fit to racial identity, whereby the reference is to one or more tribes belonging to the same original ethnic folk.
In this sense, Angles, Saxons and Jutes are part of the original Teutonic folk, while Scots, Welsh and Irish are largely part of the original Celtic folk.
The terms racial and ethnic can even be interchangeable, as seen when referring to an original folk from which different tribes descend speaking similar languages and having a similar culture.
Ethnicity in fact is defined not only by racial origins, but also cultural and linguistic characteristics that have accumulated over centuries and even millennia.
In England, the prevalence of the English language over the Celtic led to the use of the term Anglo-Saxon in reference to the English.
However, the term Anglo-Celtic is the correct description of both our English and our British origin as we descend from Teutonic tribes and from the Celtic Britons.
In essence, though, Anglo-Celtic and Anglo-Saxon both correspond to being English.
The British are racially akin to northern and western Europeans owing to common Teutonic and Celtic roots.
Due to this racial and ethnic affinity, English people look favourably at the concept of union with the other indigenous populations of the British Isles: the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish, and are generally inclined to favour close economic and cultural ties to northern and western Europe.
Nationalists that are racially aware tend to consider wars fought between nations of similar racial background as brother wars rather than as patriotic confrontations.
They see such wars as a net loss to the overall cause of racial nationalism and consider the elitist circles to be the instigators. World bankers and politicians are often identified as being responsible for plotting conflicts between brethren nations.