Under the term Socialist, I intend social, which is the opposite of anti-social. To understand my point in reference to finance, equate my view "I am a Socialist" to meaning: "I am for a social management of finances within society", and then consider what the opposite would imply: "I am for an anti-social management of finances within society".
Then you can understand why I am a Socialist and what is meant by that. It is a principle which is defined by a definition.
At the Party
Let us imagine a party has been prepared for the entire community and equate this party to the national economy. Guests turn up, and these are intended as the members of society - the whole nation.
All are seated at the tables, and some start helping themselves to the platters, taking 20 or 30 pies at a time, heaping ten plates full of food, and snatching whole cakes. They sit there, quite disgustingly, with so much food they could not eat in one month or even in a year, while others sit there with little left to choose from: half a pie, half a plate of food, a fraction of cake ....
As we can see, the uncouth behaviour that does not go well at the party is an anti-social attitude.
The management of the economy must be fair, it must be carried out in favour of all the participants, and there need to be rules on how to distribute the limited resources we have within our economy.