Thursday, 24 December 2015

National Socialist Food Policy

Ensuring Food for Britain
It is of paramount importance that Britain initiate an urgent food policy to ensure sufficient alimentary reserves for our Country's needs.
Currently there is no guarantee that thin-air currencies will be accepted as legal tender in future international trade, or that the international share markets will not crash into oblivion.
Furthermore there is no guarantee that oil supplies will continue towards the West, as warfare is raging in and around areas that supply most of the world's exported oil.
National Socialist principles require that the State be prepared to supply enough food to the population in time of urgent need. For this reason, sufficient reserves of agricultural produce would have to be stored in protected places for any unexpected event, whether war, floods, drought or a financial crash, all of which could lead to a collapse in world trade.
Investing in agricultural assets both in the form of food reserves and productive farmland has to be a priority in matters of public welfare, in particular considering the precarious situation of current financial and economic affairs at home and abroad and the increasing state of warfare that is spreading through the Middle East and parts of northern Africa.
Developers and Their Housing Estates
While developers are assuring us all that we need more people to settle in our lands, and that our farms, woods and green belt must be used to accommodate housing estates for all these masses of people, we need to seriously ask whether these developers are serving our interests.
It is not in our interest to be denied a binding referendum on important local issues that would allow the public to oppose unwanted housing estates and therefore unwanted mass migration of people into their area.
Precisely for this reason, the Coalition government that was voted into Parliament in 2010 decided to scrap from the Localism Bill the clause concerning a binding referendum on important local issues, so that the public could not legally oppose the developers.
In fact, the Establishment does not serve our interests, but those of the elites who dictate their agenda and impose it on us whether we like it or not.
The National Socialist Commitment to our Country
Our Land must be preserved for our common good and for our future generations, and not needlessly sacrificed to those who would simply concrete it over in return for financial gain.
We need to ensure that our farmland is protected and productive, and that we have invested our energy into securing sufficient food supplies even in hard times, including all unexpected events.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Austerity for the Many

The Spiral Nose Dive
For reasons that would appear incomprehensible for anyone a hundred years ago, or indeed one thousand years ago, very fertile countries in the West are gradually introducing a regime of austerity whereby most people are getting poorer all the time.

In the past, large families with many children would make it, whereas today, much smaller families are experiencing constant financial stress, often plagued by debt. Austerity has set in notwithstanding the high level of technology that has enabled farming and manufacturing to produce enormous surpluses of products.
In Britain, the minimum hourly wage has passed from around £5.93 to £6.49 in five years. In this same period of time, house prices have increased by around 40%, even though workers' wages on building sites have gone up by only a few percentage points.

But Not Bankers Bonuses
By contrast, the top salaries of chief executives of large share companies, including City bankers, have been constantly increased, way beyond the inflation rate. And the absurd annual bonuses that are many times higher than their top salaries have continued to be splashed out in spite of initial public uproar.
Indeed, the public doesn't seem to mention bankers' bonuses anymore, as the Establishment, after making a few fiery speeches, simply allowed this insane "bonus" institution to continue.
And so it goes on.
Likewise, we still read of tycoons buying up London's top-class residential estate, and we still read how the very privileged and rich are adding more and more to their private assets.
For some people, amassing wealth in times of great financial austerity doesn't seem a problem.

Reasons for Austerity
One of the major reasons for state bankruptcy is the building up of a public debt. When the State cuts public spending all the time, as in Britain, this is because the national debt has spiralled out of control. However, even with all the cuts in public spending introduced over the past five years in Britain, the public debt has doubled over the same period, from 750 billion pounds to over 1.5 trillion pounds.
As we can see, the national debt has doubled even with public spending being drastically cut year on year.
Clearly, there is nothing the Treasury can do to pull out of the debt spiral, short of introducing a drastic change to the whole economic system. The only one thing the Treasury has managed to do to keep the current system up and running, is to print 375 billion pounds in digital money, called Quantitative Easing. Known as QE, it was introduced in 2009 following the financial crash of the previous year.
This fictional money is not printed on paper, as otherwise the pound sterling would have fallen by possibly 90% or more. Its only real purpose is to prolong the system, to allow chief executives to continue individually adding millions of pounds of bonuses to their accounts every year and to make sure that the rich continue getting wealthier.
QE money printing certainly hasn't prevented austerity for the many, nor has it prevented the public debt from more than doubling since 2009.

National Socialist Prosperity
Britain's national wealth is not calculated in assets, but in debt, and as such it is not a wealth. The actual wealth is privately owned.
Once National Socialist ideals prevail in Britain, our currency shall be supported by national assets.
The work of the individual shall be fairly paid, the Folk shall be relieved of the national debt burden, and unsecured private debts of people in poverty shall be revoked whenever these cannot be paid back.
The idea that one person can earn one hundred times more than another person will simply become history, it will no longer be allowed. Our Land is limited, our wealth is limited, our resources are limited.
It is time for the Establishment in Britain to pack up and go. Their time is up. We do not require their unjust retribution.
We will become a free people in a Sovereign Land where work is available for us and not for everyone parachuted in from Eastern Europe, and where aid for the poor is given first and foremost to the British people who are in need of it.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

How England Pays Eastern Europe to Remain in the EU

We Pay Them to Come Here
Every day, Britain pays around 58 million pounds to the EU, and only about one third of this money comes back to the UK.
Most of it goes to Eastern European member states.
Similarly, other Western countries are also paying enormous sums of money to Eastern European states in order that they remain part of the European Union.
Adding to this, Western countries are obliged to allow anyone from Eastern Europe to move to the West and find work as well as claim benefits. Britain is the most generous country in the European Union when it comes to offering jobs and benefits to anyone from other countries.
The enormous difference in average wages between the West and the East means that freedom of movement within the EU is largely one sided, namely from East to West.
England is particularly hard hit by this one way situation, as most Eastern Europeans moving to Britain flock over to England.
Stop Paying Tributes to Eastern Europe
If England were to stop paying tributes to Eastern Europe, close the borders to cheap labour and also close down the free-for-all benefits system for all and sundry from the East, and if all Britain did the same, many other Western countries would follow suit.
It is a certainty that not one country in the East of Europe would remain a member of the EU.
There would be millions of vacant jobs in England for the millions of unemployed local people, our social services would be able to function better, the enormous pressure on housing would fall with a consequent drop in house prices and rent, and there would be more money to go round for the English people.
In short, we would not be handing over our money and our Country in order to maintain Eastern Europe.
People living in the East of Europe would learn to live in their own very fertile lands, build houses when they need them, and work in their own factories.
Rather than their governments whinging and demanding that we have to support them, they would learn to support themselves, and it would be about time if they did so.
Our English House and Garden
If an Englishman has a mansion, a green lawn and five colourful orchards, surely he doesn't have to go running every day to his neighbour's house demanding access to his bathroom and kitchen, and claiming the right to pitch a tent on his neighbour's lawn and have the sole exclusive rights to enter his orchards!
However, our English house and garden appear to be fair game for Eastern Europe, and on top of that we have to pay tens of millions of pounds every day to these countries.

Monday, 7 December 2015

The One Thousand Year Reign

One Thousand Years of England
English National Socialism adheres to our English Christian Flag.
The Christian Faith is the guiding Light for our People and so we must uphold the right of the English Folk to prosper for one thousand years in the coming Reign.

The Establishment has progressively eroded the Faith by demolishing churches all over the land or converting these into housing.
Adding to this, atheism has been imposed on the BBC as if it were a truth, even though Britain is by definition a Christian Country in virtue of the Union Jack, which unifies three Christian Flags.
The British Broadcasting Corporation is State owned and State funded, and yet it propagates atheism as if that were the official version of the British legal traditions.
However, doing so is contrary to British Law, as can be seen even in the Coronation Oath, which is supposed to uphold the Laws of God as defined in the Scriptures.
Agenda to Subvert the Christian Faith 
We may well ask ourselves which agenda is behind the progressive subversion of the Christian Faith in our Land and institutions, and to find the answer we would need to do some research.
The question is not whether there is such an agenda - because there definitely is one - but who is running it.
Our People are being replaced in our own Land and our Faith is being subverted. Our churches are disappearing and we are being forced into austerity and ever greater public debt.
Who are the people running the agenda that is destroying our right to be a prosperous Folk?
How could we prosper if our very own Christian Flag is at risk of no longer representing us?
Does the media sound any alarm bells? Where are the watchmen who should ring the alarm to warn us that we are being oppressed and led into perdition? Indeed, who runs the media?
We need to ask serious questions concerning our national existence, because as it stands now, our very survival is in question.
We need to ask who the people are that are dictating the agenda behind the scenes and imposing their obscure will over our destiny.
And we need to ask why the Establishment can manage to cover up every scandal and always get away with it. Are they above the Law? Can anyone in England be above the Law? Is it admissible at all for anyone to be beyond the Law?
So who are the people within the elites imposing an obscure agenda over the English People? Our churches are being demolished, but we are supposed to pay tens of billions of pounds a year to foreign countries. And we are supposed to finance the mass immigration that replaces the English People in our own Land.
Our birthright is being taken away from us and we are allowing our inheritance to be demolished or given away.
Or are we protesting against this theft? For if we fail to do so, we cannot aspire to the One Thousand Year Reign, and then our English Flag will have failed, along with the English Folk.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Solving England's Unemployment Problem

National Socialist Solution to Unemployment
There is only one way that England can guarantee work for the English People, and that is to free our Country from EU bondage.
Freedom of movement for hundreds of millions of people spread over Western and Eastern Europe means that almost anyone from a European Union member state can come over to Britain and find work.
Most people coming to the UK to work become employed in England, and many of these are parachuted in from Eastern Europe through work agencies. They do not even join the queue at the job centre, but are simply ferried by bus all the way from Eastern Europe straight to the farm or the factory in England.
The UK minimum wage is several times higher than in all Eastern European countries, and as a result, people from the East of Europe tend to be motivated, as they are earning significantly more than in their own countries.
One aspect of work-agency employment is that work agencies often offer a zero-hour contract to the workers, and this absolves the employer from paying sick leave or holiday pay to their employees, and it also allows them to terminate the work contract at a moment's notice. The employer does not have to guarantee any specific work schedule, meaning that the zero-hour employee can be made to stay off work for any period of time without pay.
Employing large numbers of Eastern Europeans in English factories and on English farms is convenient for the labourers from Eastern Europe who can receive a much higher pay package than in their home country.
And it is convenient for the employers in Britain because they can rely on a motivated workforce that is totally dispensable without incurring any extra expenses or legal obligations.
In fact, the zero-hour contract is between the worker and the work-agency, not the worker and the employer.
The downturn to the whole arrangement is that several million English people have to remain without work.
This is why National Socialism has only one solution to the problem, and that is closing the borders to people seeking work in Britain that can be - and should be - carried out by English and, more generally, British people.
All Eastern European countries are fertile, and they all have a lower population density than England. They simply do not need to depend on our Country to find work, to grow food on farms here or to work in our factories.
They can simply do all this in their own countries.

The English Lady 
If an English lady living on her own estate wished to teach her daughters to cook and sew, and further wished to employ her sons on the farm to plant crops and tend to the cattle, would she be happy if the people from the village beyond the hill kept marching in demanding to do the cooking and to work on her estate, while her own children just sat there unable to do anything?
Surely she'd lock the door and if need be she'd boot out the administrator tending to her property who keeps opening the door to all and sundry. She would rather have a proper husband who cares for the family and treats the children as according to their birthright.
The Establishment has forsaken England, it cares not for the birthright and the dignity of the English People. They care solely for their own profit and are more than happy to hand our Country and our rights over to half the world, in fact to whomsoever happens to turn the corner and land on our Shores.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Printing Money out of Thin Air

How Money Is Produced
The general impression that most people have of money is that it exists in paper form together with coins.
The proper term for this is cash. There is about 60 billion pounds sterling in printed and minted cash, issued mainly by the Bank of England.
Adding to this amount, there are hundreds of billions of pounds that have been digitally circulated by the Bank of England under a scheme known as Quantitative Easing, often referred to as QE.
This digital money was issued following the 2009 financial crash.
The amount of digital money issued is somewhere around 375 billion pounds.
The pound sterling, like many other currencies, is not based on assets that guarantee its value, and as such it is a thin-air currency. Currencies printed out of nothing can have an effect on share markets and even on trade, especially if the confidence in this kind of money starts to fall away.
In the event that something should go wrong in the financial set-up of Western economies, including the British economy, the State needs to have a backup plan.
Pensions and benefits and salaries would need to be paid out in part in food parcels and in part in ration cards, with only a limited amount of cash in the hand.
This will be essential in order to prevent hunger breaking out, as many people could find themselves without cash.
A crash in the share markets and a default on the repayment of the public debt would wipe out payments from private pension funds, and it would also affect financial institutions in general.
The State has the duty to ensure that rations are handed out equally in time of a financial or economic catastrophe.
It is unlikely that any such contingency plans exist in Britain.

England's Debt Burden

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Is Britain at War in Syria?

Going to War in Syria
Somewhere in a building in London a group of mostly men declared war in Syria.

They never asked me for my opinion.
Today I heard on RT (Russia) that NATO is sending anti aircraft equipment to the Turkish-Syria border.
But ISIL does not have any aircraft, not even under any other guise, whether ISIS, IS, or Daesh. None of these have aircraft.
I never was good at algebra.
But having also heard on RT the other day that Russia is fitting all its bombers with anti-aircraft weapons after a warplane was shot down by a NATO country, Turkey, and has also placed SS-400 anti aircraft missiles in Syria, there may be an algorithm involved that is gradually unfolding.
My eyes are widening in the dark.
I'm seeing things clearer now.
Has Westminster ....?
From Sky News on Westminster's decision to go to war in Syria:

England's Shire Army