Sunday, 29 November 2015

England's Debt Burden

Paying for the Rope that Hangs Us
This year, 2015, Britain will have borrowed 73 billion pounds in order to pay for half the world.
Around 12 billion pounds will have gone on foreign aid, and around 58 million pounds a day will have been handed over to the European Union, of which only a relatively small amount comes back to Britain.
As we do not have that money, it is borrowed at interest, adding to our 1.5 trillion pound public debt that we already have.
Of-course our Country can never repay that debt, and indeed it always goes up. Between 2010 and 2015, our public debt has doubled.
The National Socialist ideal does not teach sacrificing the People on an altar of debt slavery, but places its own Folk first and foremost.
Helping other people is good, but this should be conditioned to sane reasoning. How can it be acceptable to donate billions of pounds a year to countries in Africa and Asia who invest money in nuclear war submarines, a space programme, or other extremely expensive projects that are either of no use to them, or could only be used in war?
Charity should not be confused with insanity.
The total sum of Britain's printed money is around 60 billion pounds. So how can 12 billion pounds a year be simply given away on foreign aid, and a further 20 billion pounds a year handed over to the EU, with less than half of that returning?
It does not make sense. However the government just borrows money at an interest rate, cash that likely does not really exist as such, but which has to be paid back with real money. We are supposed to pay it back, our children and their children.
Austerity is inflicted in the form of spending cuts and increased tax in order to repay the public debt. And yet, this debt just continues to get higher no matter how much austerity is imposed. Still the government carries on handing borrowed money out to countries that are perfectly fertile and could easily look after their own interests.
Britain's public debt can never be paid back, it cannot even level out, but will continue to rise year on year, indeed by the hour and with each second that passes by.
This is the public debt in real time:
As we can see, the public debt goes only up, never down.

Printing Money out of Thin Air

Saturday, 28 November 2015

England's Shire Army

The Island Nation
As an Island Nation, Britain needs an Island Army, which would include English regiments along with those of the other Constituent Countries. The defence of our Shores and our Shires is an obligation that the State must guarantee.
We do not need to have an interventionist army that is sent by the Establishment around the world imposing some obscure will on other countries. Our soldiers should not be sacrificed for the agenda of those who dictate policies from behind the scenes.
The Chilcot Inquiry, as we know, has been covered up for years, precisely to prevent the details coming to light that the Establishment does not want us to know about how and why the Iraq war was fought.
We need to have full sovereign control over our own armed forces. Currently, however, this is not the case. As a member of NATO, Britain could be drawn into war automatically, simply because another NATO country enters into conflict.
NATO rules dictate that if one NATO country is attacked (regardless whether it may have provoked the attack), all other NATO members must by default gang up on the side of that country.
Yes, this could even mean waking up one morning to find that we are at war simply because a general stationed thousands of miles away decided to shoot down a warplane and then got shot at in return, and then decided to mobilise all NATO in response.
It could even be a world war!
Do we want this? Of-course we do not.
A basic tenet of National Socialism is "this is our Land, that is their land".
So we do not want to get sucked into a war in another land that could ultimately bring to ruination our own People in our Land.

Friday, 27 November 2015

The Beauty of England in National Socialist Ideals

Preserving Our Land
Our English Folk needs a green and pleasant Country rich in woods, meadows, hills, valleys and cultivated farms.
In order that we may enjoy a wonderful landscape and partake in nature's beauty, we must not hand over our Country to mass immigration.
Our Land is limited, it is finite, it cannot be sacrificed to never-ending housing estates designed to accommodate London's overspills and endless waves of immigrants.
Considering that the majority of London's inhabitants are not of English origin, we can see that England's capital city is subject to constant immigration from abroad and at the same time to constant migration of people from London to the Shires.
We need to put the interests of the English People first. Our woods and farms and green-belt areas should not be sacrificed to mass immigration. The population density in England is higher than in the countries where immigrants come from, so even from the perspective of those who believe that the world is a tiny global village, it is still insane to sacrifice our Country to being swamped with endless streams of immigrants.

Localism Bill Changed in Favour of Developers 
The so called "government" of the UK does not care for our interests, nor for the maintaining of our Country as a geographical entity, but rather for the interests of developers who make large sums of money from buying land and concreting it over.
We have no democratic function that can prevent this. The Localism Bill that would have allowed communities to hold binding referendums on important local issues, which would include defending green-belt, woods and farms from urbanisation, was largely scrapped in 2011, contrary to the promises that the government had made at the time of the 2010 general election.

Embracing Sovereignty 
The basic rule of National Socialism is the right of the Folk to live in its own Land free of oppression.
We are still in time to embrace English Sovereignty over our own Country before we are made into a minority and before our countryside is handed over to the developers.
In fact, we are still the majority.
We can embrace the ideals of English National Socialism.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Anglian National Socialism

Anglian National Socialism is an awakening to a new day that will dawn over England.
The English Folk and Our Land

We wish to be governed by our own people according to Sovereign right and therefore elect our own members of Parliament.
These members of the English Parliament must pledge allegiance to the English People. They cannot forsake this pledge by swearing an oath of allegiance to a private individual person.
We wish to share common Sovereignty within the British Union on equal terms with the other constituent Countries of the British Isles.
We do not accept the rule of foreign parliaments or of any foreign authority over our Country.
It is our right to be participants in the governing of our Country and to consider England as our Homeland. We have the right to prosper in our Land without being excluded by any form of elite.
We do not accept that the Establishment diminish our rights and use our economic wealth to finance our own replacement with masses of people from other countries who have no connection to our Land.
We do not accept that the elites impose unnecessary burdens and austerity on us as a result of their catastrophic failures and unjust decisions.
We demand that Justice be equal to all and that no-one can be above the Law.
We wish to enjoy our Country following a code of morally acceptable laws and to preserve it for our future generations.
Our Christian Flag