Paying for the Rope that Hangs Us
This year, 2015, Britain will have borrowed 73 billion pounds in order to pay for half the world.
Around 12 billion pounds will have gone on foreign aid, and around 58 million pounds a day will have been handed over to the European Union, of which only a relatively small amount comes back to Britain.
As we do not have that money, it is borrowed at interest, adding to our 1.5 trillion pound public debt that we already have.
Of-course our Country can never repay that debt, and indeed it always goes up. Between 2010 and 2015, our public debt has doubled.
The National Socialist ideal does not teach sacrificing the People on an altar of debt slavery, but places its own Folk first and foremost.
Helping other people is good, but this should be conditioned to sane reasoning. How can it be acceptable to donate billions of pounds a year to countries in Africa and Asia who invest money in nuclear war submarines, a space programme, or other extremely expensive projects that are either of no use to them, or could only be used in war?
Charity should not be confused with insanity.
The total sum of Britain's printed money is around 60 billion pounds. So how can 12 billion pounds a year be simply given away on foreign aid, and a further 20 billion pounds a year handed over to the EU, with less than half of that returning?
It does not make sense. However the government just borrows money at an interest rate, cash that likely does not really exist as such, but which has to be paid back with real money. We are supposed to pay it back, our children and their children.
Austerity is inflicted in the form of spending cuts and increased tax in order to repay the public debt. And yet, this debt just continues to get higher no matter how much austerity is imposed. Still the government carries on handing borrowed money out to countries that are perfectly fertile and could easily look after their own interests.
Britain's public debt can never be paid back, it cannot even level out, but will continue to rise year on year, indeed by the hour and with each second that passes by.
This is the public debt in real time:
As we can see, the public debt goes only up, never down.